Saturday, August 12, 2017

Susan B Anthony 5K - 27:27 minutes - Aug 12, 2017

Not my personal best time but my personal best race. Let me blame lack of sleep the night before as I had got back from a long work week in Atlanta, reaching home after 9pm the night before and a little surgery the weekend before. Oh well, we all have our excuses:) I love this race and that is why I decided to do it, in any circumstance. Even though I do not like running in the heat, this race does have some shady neighborhoods on the course. The course has only one aid station which is enough for a 5K race. I like to carry my water with me, in any case as it gets warm and since I try to beat my record every year, I need water! Organized by Buffalo Chips running club, this is a great race. It is very cheap too and if you wait to register, then they give $5 or something discount on the day of Kaiser Fitness Festival women's only race in Sacramento downtown in June.
The bonus for me for running this race is that my sister and my friend run this race with me. Even though we run at our own paces, it is fun to spend before and after-race time with them!