Some runs can be for fun too, especially when you are not prepared to run the long 26.2 miles and just go out there. Shavi got this done despite no training. No motivation for a short run like that could have been the reason!
He did it in 4:15, though his PR is a almost 30 minutes better than this.
One of the best road races in Sacramento where the whole community participate is called CIM! It is organized by SRA (Sacramento Running Association) which is a big part of the community here in Sacramento. This race runs from Folsom very early in the morning and ends at Sacramento downtown, in front of the Capitol. Best aid stations and great support. Most people are involved in this race, either cheering, running, volunteering, crewing, running the full course or the relay. The race is a Boston qualifier and fills up by August. The prices are low initially and keep going higher and higher quickly.
The best part was that W enjoyed cheering daddy and crossing the finish line with him. The fun part was that I dropped W inside the race course from the walls preventing crowds, so that he could run with daddy for little bit but daddy never noticed. Poor W ran behind him as I yelled at him to go after him. A little scared that I might not lose him in the crowd but good thing that my parents were also waiting at the finish line. So, they knew what was going on. After crossing finish, Shavi noticed the little minion running behind him. Such a cute moment!