Saturday, February 17, 2018

FOURmidable 50K for Shavi - Auburn - Feb 17, 2018 - 7:33 hours

Next in the series 50 km. A race that he has done before also - a very tough course as compared to Way Too Cool. He did not beat his time from last year but he wasnt planning on beating it either. This is a race by Single Track Running and has various distances. Single Track Running does a good job of organizing trail races.

Saturday, February 3, 2018

Foresthill Divide Loop 30K race for Shavi - 4:10 hours - Feb 3, 2018

A casual run for Shavi to get his training started this year for his 100 km race in April end. He is going to be taking it easy this year since he is not running the 100 miles race this year as he did not get into the lottery and did not get any ticket either. Probably good for me and W:)

This is a new race by the same organizers as Canyons 100K. Shavi knew that it would be one of the best organized races yet again and probably it was.