Saturday, June 29, 2024

(First) Western States 100 DNF

I GAVE IT ALL, but fell short.

Mentally, I knew if I get past Robinson Flat (Mile 30.3), I can finish. Right after Duncan Aid Station (Mile 24.4), my right knee locked up. Wouldn't bend... i tried walking and running.. tried squatting to loosen the quad, but wont budge...

I knew that even if I made it past Robinson, I was going to be in excruciating pain in the Canyons going down to Swinging Bridge, and then going down El Dorado Canyon.

Re-wind back to April, at Lake Sonoma 50miler, I tweaked my IT band slipping and sliding in the mudfest that started it all. Coming up to States, the pain kind-of went from IT band to knee... but over the weeks of training (in the Canyons), it went away. I thought it would just not come back. I guess, I was wrong.

I do feel the underlying issue is - This year I trained for a 29 hour finish, with the hope that everything will fall in place. That includes my lack of dietary discipline, recovery exercises (yoga, roller, stretching), and maybe even work discipline to make time for all of the above.

In the past years I have always trained for a 24-26 hour finish, and when things did go wrong, like they do over a course of 100 miles, I had enough buffer to still finish.

I don't really believe in 'things', but as I was making my final climb to Robinson, and I was going through the emotional roller coaster of dropping the one race no one wants to drop - I was thinking of what's the silver lining from today, and after a few minutes this song came on in my earphones: The Greatest - Kenny Rogers

Brought a smile to my face, but I am still trying to use the song's metaphor for what went down today - if 'running' was the same as the 'batter', what would be similar to 'pitcher' in the song?

Thank you to Ruchi and Kids... I know Ruchi (and the kids) have endured a lot while I train for 100-mile runs.

Thank you to my awesome Crew.. Ruchi, Karen, Nattu, Roxie. I wish it was a fun Western States experience for you all, but what can I say, I am great at letting people down... 😁😁

Last but not the least, thank you John for giving me the opportunity. 

"Sometimes Lucy just yanks away that football." 

1 comment:

  1. Getting there at the start line is in itself a big deal for most of us. You gave it your best and that is all that matters. This is not the end of the world. Life happens. And there is always a next time! And no matter what, we still love you <3
