Friday, May 16, 2014

Gold Rush 100K - the brutal race!

Second year of the race. Second year of Shavi running it. AND no lessons learned by either SRA (the race organizers: Sacramento Running Association) or by Shavi (the runner)!! Yet another year of a not good race. Last year when Shavi raced this one, it was very hot, almost 100 deg F and most runners could not finish the 100 K. The course wasnt well marked either. One wouldn't expect this from the experienced SRA who organize CIM (California International Marathon) each year in Sacramento. Maybe it is because this is the first trail race that SRA is organizing and that too long distance! And not to mention, the course was really not 100 km but 105 km!! Even 0.5 miles matter a lot when it is such a long distance.

This year they changed the course for 100K and introduced 50K distance. The race started and ended in Folsom. The trail course was not well marked and many people were getting lost. The aid stations were not as good as they are with other races. The swag wasn't exciting either. It was a very windy day but we cannot blame SRA for that. The course was not runner friendly.

Having no other 100K race in the area around this time, Gold Rush 100K has an advantage for serving as a training run among runners training for Western States and Tahoe Rim Trail 100m. Just like last year, despite of less heat this year, very few people finished this year. Shavi was feeling miserable around mile 26 because of severe back pain and wanted to quit, fearing an injury which could have been all bad for his real long one - Western States 100 miles in June end. He called me, asking my permission to drop from the race;-) I was worried, a lot worried because he has never done that before. We decided that he would keep going slow until he can since there was no pick-up point for me to go pick him at that point. I decided to go check him at all crewing aid stations after that. He kept going. I kept seeing him at all accessible points. Thank Goodness that the baby's grandparents were here that time. I was able to leave him with them and follow Shavi else it would have been hard.

Copying from Shavi's facebook post:
What a day! First, the Gold Rush 100K became Gold Rush 105K. Second, I almost quit at mile 26, but my amazing wife Ruchi talked me into keep going as far as I can to get miles in. She, Keith and Alicia became my impromptu crew after they knew I was hurting. It was slow day, but I am glad I kept moving and finished in day light. Great to see all the support from volunteers and running friends Deirdre, James, Todd, Kelly, Zachary, Brandy, David, Martin, Tim, Sarah.

I am super proud of Shavi for completing this one, in spite of all the hard times he faced during the race. This for sure requires lot of determination, self motivation and courage.


  1. In the last line you forgot to add “and ofcourse an amazing, very supportive wife :) "

  2. Great job Shavi for finishing the race even though you almost wanted to quit. Good job Ru for keeping him going!
